I am an assistant professor in the department of computer science at University of Maryland. Prior to joining UMD, I was a research scientist in the Creative Intelligence Lab at Adobe Research. I received my PhD in Human-Centered Computing at Georgia Tech, and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.
My research focuses on supporting data analysis and communication through effective, expressive, and scalable tools. To this end, I apply user-centered design methods to study users and their problems, and contribute novel techniques and models that inform the design of interactive data systems.
My work has been recognized with two Best Paper Awards at ACM CHI, a Test of Time Award at IEEE VAST, multiple Best Paper Honorable Mentions at IEEE InfoVis, IEEE VAST and ACM CHI, and dissertation awards from Georgia Tech and IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
Here are the places where I've spent a significant portion of my life: